What is one of the best things to do at 7 a.m. on a Saturday morning? Blogging, of course!
I have just been tagged on a note by a friend of mine in which you list 25 random things about yourself. Here are the rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
Well, I am not going to tag anybody, I just thought it would be great to have MY random things about ME in MY blog. Enjoy! :)
1. I grew up and changed considerably in the past 2-3 years. Partly due to some changes which came unexpectedly into my life, partly due to things which I myself attracted and forced to happen. (Тhough, I never know where exactly the one thing ends and the other begins. Don't you sometimes have the feeling that things, which at first sight seem to be accidental and not depending on you, have come into your life just because you attracted them - consciously or not?)
2. I love sports. I can't live without it. I am addicted. I love weightlifting (although I do a lot more things in the gym except for weightlifting, so it is not only about weights). I love the feeling of being alone with the bar - just me and the bar - particularly when I am all alone in the gym in the early night or morning hours. Pureness...
3. I hate shopping! Well, ok...maybe not exactly hate but I do not enjoy it that much. I go shopping 2-3 times a year and that's it! That's why my girlfriends do not call me anymore when they go shopping. It's just that they know I wouldn’t go...
4. I don't like going to noisy clubs and places on a Friday or Saturday night. Instead, I prefer spending the evening with friends at one's place having enjoyable conversations, watching a favourite movie, making a Friends-marathon, playing associations etc.
5. I have been low-carbing for more than 3 years now. And I feel great! My body loves it! Since then my appearance changed a lot. It helps me gain strength, clean my body, reduce body fat.. But people still find it weird and freaky when I say I just had pork for breakfast. *lol*
6. I adore my sister! By the time she was born (I was then 15) it practically didn't matter to me whether I would have a sibling or not. The day she was born my life turned upside down. The feeling was indescribable! But this refers only to my sister. Having own kids is something else (I wonder when my biological clock will start to tick-tack...if it ever starts at all).
7. I love making people smile!
8. I love to go for walks early in the morning. Most often I go somewhere where I can hardly meet anybody. The last time I did it - just yesterday.
9. I still find it difficult to go to bed early. But once I've done it I then really enjoy the feeling of getting up early in the morning and doing my stuff when the world around me is still asleep.
10. I love the Balkans! I am so fond of them! I love their (our) history, I love examining psychology of the Balkan people, their (our) character and temper. Even if I don't live on the Balkans in the long run I would make anything possible to travel "down" as often as possible! Thrilling!
11. I hate politics!
12. I love holisticism!
13. I do not sleep in the afternoon hours. I must be really tired to force myself to take a nap. Even if it happens, it is not more than half an hour of just lying in bed.
14. I am addicted to the ring on my right thumb. It is my second one. When I lost my first one I felt terribly for days. A part of me was missing...
15. I adore slavonic languages! It seems I cannot get enough of them! My last passion is Ukrainian. My Russian sucks but I know I'm going to speak it perfectly one day. (Blood is thicker than water!) My heart belongs to Serbo-Croatian! I’m also planning on starting to learn Macedonian.
16. I am passionate! In some situations it is so obvious! In others I just do not show it that much and people think I am really mature and thoughtful. It's not that it isn’t true but still there is the vital-child's-passionate thing inside me which has the lead.
17. I cannot live without music. I can and do live without TV but my soul begins to slowly fall into pieces if I don't hear - and feel - music. I am in love with the Rhythm!
18. I hate spending hours on end sitting on a chair or lying in bed. My body needs to be active and to feel the dynamics. I always strive for the balance between mind and body. If I spend 2-3 hours in learning or reading I then need to devote a few hours to my body.
19. I love reading literature! But I hate analyzing it (except in my mind, of course).
20. As a child I was so impatient. I then learned how to be patient.
21. I am not sure I want to marry.
22. I adore my friends! I am talking about the few ones who have known me for years and are now spread all over the world. It is a bond that has passed through a lot but will never break! I am so lucky to have them!
23. I used to make plans. But then I got rid of this habit. I am now open to any new opportunities which enter my life. I don't know where I'll be in few months and I always reject questions like What are your plans in the long run?. The truth is, I don't have any.
24. I rarely spend my holidays at the seaside. I love watching the sea and spend a few hours every year just sitting on the beach and watching it. I am actually in love with the mountains.
25. I love shining! :)
I have just been tagged on a note by a friend of mine in which you list 25 random things about yourself. Here are the rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
Well, I am not going to tag anybody, I just thought it would be great to have MY random things about ME in MY blog. Enjoy! :)
1. I grew up and changed considerably in the past 2-3 years. Partly due to some changes which came unexpectedly into my life, partly due to things which I myself attracted and forced to happen. (Тhough, I never know where exactly the one thing ends and the other begins. Don't you sometimes have the feeling that things, which at first sight seem to be accidental and not depending on you, have come into your life just because you attracted them - consciously or not?)
2. I love sports. I can't live without it. I am addicted. I love weightlifting (although I do a lot more things in the gym except for weightlifting, so it is not only about weights). I love the feeling of being alone with the bar - just me and the bar - particularly when I am all alone in the gym in the early night or morning hours. Pureness...
3. I hate shopping! Well, ok...maybe not exactly hate but I do not enjoy it that much. I go shopping 2-3 times a year and that's it! That's why my girlfriends do not call me anymore when they go shopping. It's just that they know I wouldn’t go...
4. I don't like going to noisy clubs and places on a Friday or Saturday night. Instead, I prefer spending the evening with friends at one's place having enjoyable conversations, watching a favourite movie, making a Friends-marathon, playing associations etc.
5. I have been low-carbing for more than 3 years now. And I feel great! My body loves it! Since then my appearance changed a lot. It helps me gain strength, clean my body, reduce body fat.. But people still find it weird and freaky when I say I just had pork for breakfast. *lol*
6. I adore my sister! By the time she was born (I was then 15) it practically didn't matter to me whether I would have a sibling or not. The day she was born my life turned upside down. The feeling was indescribable! But this refers only to my sister. Having own kids is something else (I wonder when my biological clock will start to tick-tack...if it ever starts at all).
7. I love making people smile!
8. I love to go for walks early in the morning. Most often I go somewhere where I can hardly meet anybody. The last time I did it - just yesterday.
9. I still find it difficult to go to bed early. But once I've done it I then really enjoy the feeling of getting up early in the morning and doing my stuff when the world around me is still asleep.
10. I love the Balkans! I am so fond of them! I love their (our) history, I love examining psychology of the Balkan people, their (our) character and temper. Even if I don't live on the Balkans in the long run I would make anything possible to travel "down" as often as possible! Thrilling!
11. I hate politics!
12. I love holisticism!
13. I do not sleep in the afternoon hours. I must be really tired to force myself to take a nap. Even if it happens, it is not more than half an hour of just lying in bed.
14. I am addicted to the ring on my right thumb. It is my second one. When I lost my first one I felt terribly for days. A part of me was missing...
15. I adore slavonic languages! It seems I cannot get enough of them! My last passion is Ukrainian. My Russian sucks but I know I'm going to speak it perfectly one day. (Blood is thicker than water!) My heart belongs to Serbo-Croatian! I’m also planning on starting to learn Macedonian.
16. I am passionate! In some situations it is so obvious! In others I just do not show it that much and people think I am really mature and thoughtful. It's not that it isn’t true but still there is the vital-child's-passionate thing inside me which has the lead.
17. I cannot live without music. I can and do live without TV but my soul begins to slowly fall into pieces if I don't hear - and feel - music. I am in love with the Rhythm!
18. I hate spending hours on end sitting on a chair or lying in bed. My body needs to be active and to feel the dynamics. I always strive for the balance between mind and body. If I spend 2-3 hours in learning or reading I then need to devote a few hours to my body.
19. I love reading literature! But I hate analyzing it (except in my mind, of course).
20. As a child I was so impatient. I then learned how to be patient.
21. I am not sure I want to marry.
22. I adore my friends! I am talking about the few ones who have known me for years and are now spread all over the world. It is a bond that has passed through a lot but will never break! I am so lucky to have them!
23. I used to make plans. But then I got rid of this habit. I am now open to any new opportunities which enter my life. I don't know where I'll be in few months and I always reject questions like What are your plans in the long run?. The truth is, I don't have any.
24. I rarely spend my holidays at the seaside. I love watching the sea and spend a few hours every year just sitting on the beach and watching it. I am actually in love with the mountains.
25. I love shining! :)