Mar 15, 2010
Alles, was ich brauchte...
Ich bat um Kraft ...
und mir wurden Schwierigkeiten gegeben,
um mich stark zu machen.
Ich bat um Weisheit ...
und mir wurden Probleme gegeben,
um sie zu lösen und
dadurch Weisheit zu erlangen.
Ich bat um Wohlstand ...
und mir wurde ein Gehirn
und Muskelkraft gegeben, um zu arbeiten.
Ich bat um Mut...
und mir wurden Hindernisse gegeben,
um sie zu überwinden.
Ich bat um Liebe ...
und mir wurden besorgte,
unruhige Menschen mit Problemen gegeben,
um Ihnen beizustehen.
Ich bat um Entscheidungen ...
und mir wurden Gelegenheiten gegeben.
Ich bekam nichts, was ich wollte ...
Aber ich bekam alles, was ich brauchte.
(Bulgarian translation)
Помолих за помощ..
и ми бяха дадени трудности,
които да ме направят силен.
Помолих за мъдрост...
и ми бяха дадени проблеми,
за да ги реша
и така да достигна до мъдрост.
Помолих за благополучие...
и ми бяха дадени мозък и
сила, за да работя.
Помолих за смелост...
и ми бяха дадени пречки,
за да ги преодолея.
Помолих за любов...
и ми бяха дадени угрижени,
неспокойни хора с проблеми,
за да ги подкрепям.
Помолих за решения...
и ми бяха дадени възможности.
Не получих нищо от това, което си пожелах...
но получих всичко, от което имах нужда.
Mar 2, 2010
Do you believe in...Mama?
A conversation between two babies in the belly of a pregnant woman.
The non-believing baby:
~ Do you believe in life after birth?
The believing baby:
~ Of course I do. It is more than clear that there is life after birth. The purpose of our stay here is to become strong enough and prepare for life.
The non-believing baby:
~ Bullshit! There couldn’t be life after birth! Can you imagine what kind of life that would be?
The believing baby:
~ Well, I am not acquainted with the details but I firmly believe that there would be more light and that we’ll be able to walk on our feet and eat with our mouths.
The non-believing baby:
~ Bullshit! It is impossible to walk on your own feet and eat with your own mouth! This is ridiculous! We have a navel string which feeds us. Listen to me: there couldn’t be life after birth because our real life – the navel string – is so short anyway…
The believing baby:
~ Nevertheless I don’t doubt that life after birth is possible. It’s just that everything will be a little more different than it is now. Just imagine…
The non-believing baby:
~ But no one has ever made it to come back after birth. Life ends with birth! In other words, life is nothing else but suffering in the darkness…
The believing baby:
~ No! I don’t know what our life would be like after birth but we will definitely meet Mama and She is going to take care of us!
The non-believing baby:
~ Mama? So, you believe that Mama really exists? And what do you think – where is She?
The believing baby:
~ She is everywhere around us, we live in Her, we are able to move and live thanks to Her; without Her we wouldn’t exist.
The non-believing baby:
~ Nonsense! I have never seen any Mama therefore it is absolutely clear that She does not exist…
The believing baby:
~ No. I cannot agree with you. Sometimes, when everything around us gets still and silent I can hear Her singing and I can feel how She caresses our world. I do believe that our real life is going to start after our birth. What about you?
-- author: (does it matter?)